Vapor Intrusion (VI) occurs when contaminated soil or ground water release volatile chemicals (such as PCE, TCE, benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylenes) in vapor phase. These vapors migrate through subsurface soil, ground surfaces, and flooring in open areas of buildings, causing health risks for building occupants.
Volatile chemicals may include volatile organic compounds, certain semivolatile organic compounds, and some inorganic analytes, such as elemental mercury, radon, and hydrogen sulfide.
NJDEP's Vapor Intrusion Technical Guidance ("VITG") and the draft Immediate Environmental Concern Guidance ("IEC Guidance") define the requirements for responsible parties to remediate when a VI condition is discovered, and set forth strict timelines for addressing suspected VI conditions.
Soil Vapor Surveys are critical investigative tools when assessing potential contamination at dry cleaners, gasoline service stations and other sites using volatile organic compounds and chlorinated hydrocarbons. Viridian has been conducting Vapor Intrusion Assessments for over 10 years.
We conduct soil vapor surveys to assess upward vapor risk from volatile chemicals.
Viridian conducts active, passive and soil vapor surveys using EPA-supported methods and multi-state guidance. We can collect soil vapor samples at multiple depths through any type of surface or flooring. We use hand-operated equipment at limited access sites and sub-slab sampling in building interiors. Vapor samples are stored in Tedlar® bags or Summa® canisters that are shipped directly to a laboratory for analysis. We have conducted soil vapor surveys in CA, MA, MD, ME, DC, CT, KT, NY, MT, NC, NJ, PA, and VA. Viridian has demonstrated soil vapor collection techniques for regulators in USEPA Region II and in CT, MA, ME, NC, NH, NJ, NY, and PA.